Workability specializes in supporting and coordinating the care of people who have been injured or are ill by managing their recovery and return to work process by helping them return as close as to their pre-injury/ illness level of fitness as possible. We achieve market leading return to work outcomes through the collaboration of all stakeholders involved.
The process is called case coordination or case management and has an important role to play in ensuring clients obtain effective outcomes while constraining costs and resources, and maintaining the highest levels of patient satisfaction.
Key Aspects of Case Coordination
Providing treatment that is necessary involves offering the least invasive or intensive intervention that will provide benefit toward specific goals.
Determining whether treatment is appropriate requires objective understanding of its value and excellent knowledge of what works and what doesn't.
Obtaining healthcare services that are of the quality required depends on setting clear goals for the individual, then objectively monitoring progress toward these and outcomes.
Determining whether treatment is timely requires excellent knowledge of the usual course of an injury or disorder and the expected timeframes involved, along with knowledge about evidence of when specific healthcare is most effective.
Matching client needs with effectiveness of healthcare, and coordinating an early and sustainable return to activity and work can more efficiently use resources.
Any case with the potential to facilitate faster return to activity and work, and to shorten overall absence or claim duration is a candidate for professional case management.
Cases may be appropriately excluded when no value can be added, or there are significant issues with client motivation or willingness to participate.
Workability employs RTW Case Coordinators who assesses the employee/ claimant or patient and coordinate their care by overseeing a national network of therapists and other professionals involved in the treatment and Return-To-Work process.
This network uses Workability's revolutionary web-based IT system that enables Workability to track the treatment of patients and enforces evidence-based guidelines that ensure consistent, cost effective and goal-orientated treatment and outcomes.
Case Coordination is effective in yielding specific cost-benefits including faster return to work, reduced absenteeism, reduced medical and treatment costs, reduced claim costs, and shorter claim duration.